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  • The Sprint-Jog-Walk Approach: Guiding Your Clients Towards Lasting Success

By Janine Stichter, PhD (Behaviorist) and Scott Schutte (Coach/Gym Owner)

As passionate fitness coaches, we all share a common goal - to empower our clients and guide them towards achieving their fitness aspirations. We thrive on the joy of witnessing their transformations and the satisfaction of knowing we've made a positive impact on their lives. But let's admit it, at times, we've found ourselves saying, "If my clients would just listen to what I told them, they would get the results they wanted." Sound familiar?

We understand that achieving lasting success for our clients goes far beyond simply prescribing exercise routines and meal plans. It involves adopting an approach that considers individual uniqueness, psychological factors, and sustainability. That's where the sprint-jog-walk approach comes in, a game-changing strategy that combines the art of behavior science with fitness coaching to ensure our clients achieve their goals and keep making progress long after they step foot in the gym.

Phase 1: The Walk - Small Steps, Big Impact

The fitness journey begins with that very first step, and for many clients, it's essential to start with the "Walk" phase. Here, we focus on making gradual changes that align with their current lifestyle and preferences. By implementing small but meaningful adjustments, we help them build a solid foundation without overwhelming them with drastic changes. As coaches, we play a crucial role in setting clear expectations, communicating openly, and embracing the non-linear progress our clients may experience. Small changes create momentum for next steps. Even when there are setbacks, which are part of any transformation, and it's through our support and guidance that they find the motivation to keep moving forward.

Phase 2: The Jog - Stride Towards Transformation

Once our clients gain confidence and consistency from the "Walk" phase, they're ready to pick up the pace and embrace the "Jog." This is where the real transformation takes shape. As coaches, we work hand-in-hand with our clients, identifying areas that need improvement and crafting personalized plans to push their limits. It's an exciting phase where we cheer them on as they step outside their comfort zones, discovering new strengths and capabilities. Celebrating their achievements and providing unwavering support become critical elements that foster their motivation and determination.

Phase 3: The Sprint - Igniting Rapid Progress

Now, the "Sprint" phase is all about full commitment and determination to achieve rapid results. While it can lead to dramatic transformations, we must remember that this intense phase isn't suitable for everyone. As responsible fitness coaches, we carefully assess whether the "Sprint" aligns with our clients' goals, abilities, and life circumstances. Lifestyle balance becomes paramount, and we pay equal attention to recovery, nutrition, and overall well-being. It's about making sure that if a client chooses the "Sprint" for a specific event or goal, we guide them to transition back to a balanced "Walk" to "Jog" approach afterward to maintain the results.

Balancing the Phases: The Key to Sustainable Success

One of the significant advantages of the sprint-jog-walk approach is its flexibility. Life happens, motivations change, and that's okay. As fitness coaches, our skill lies in helping our clients find equilibrium and realistic expectations throughout their journey. We emphasize the importance of celebrating small victories, offering unwavering support, and reframing setbacks as opportunities for growth. True success isn't just about quick results; it's about cultivating lifelong healthy habits. We understand that every client is different, and the journey may not be linear. Our expertise lies in adapting our coaching to fit their unique needs and aspirations.

The Power of Fitness Psychology

As fitness coaches, we wield a secret weapon - fitness psychology. Understanding the psychological factors that influence our clients' behaviors and motivations enables us to tailor our coaching strategies effectively. We become champions of their mental barriers, helping them overcome limiting beliefs and staying committed to their goals. By addressing the mind as well as the body, we lay the foundation for true transformation. This is where we can help. Many coaches have had extensive training on nutrition science and exercise science but have barely scratched the service on behavior science. We teach the foundation and systems to learn what to say and how to turn this into a niche service helping you achieve higher income. Learn more at www.healthybehaviorinstitute.com.

The sprint-jog-walk approach is not just a trendy concept; it is the path to guiding our clients towards lasting success. As we unlock this transformative journey, let us remember that true success lies not only in achieving quick results but also in empowering our clients to adopt lifelong healthy habits. By harnessing the power of fitness psychology, offering unwavering support, and customizing our coaching to each client's needs, we become catalysts for profound change in their lives. Together, let's embrace the sprint-jog-walk approach and unleash the potential for remarkable transformations. The impact we make on our clients goes beyond the physical; it touches their hearts and minds, igniting a passion for health and well-being that will last a lifetime. As fitness coaches, we hold the key to empowering others on their journey towards a healthier, happier future.

You can learn more about behavior coaching and how this can improve your income and impact at www.healthybehaviorinstitute.com.


Janine Stichter & Scott Schutte



Scott Schutte is a personal trainer, weight loss behavior coach, gym owner, and fitness educator. He has successfully guided thousands of people on their fitness journey. His education and experience have led him to work with many clients and educate other fitness professionals on how to be successful coaches with an emphasis on behavior change. Connect with him:

Facebook - scott.schutte.12
Instagram - scott.schutte

Dr. Janine Stichter has been in the field of behavior change for over 20 years as a researcher, author, educator and practitioner. She understands the importance of behavior science for client success. Her career has focused on understanding the why behind behavior and identifying clear practices that are practical and result in sustained change. Connect with her:

Facebook - janine.stichter.1
Instagram - drjaninestichter

Most recently they co-founded the Healthy Behavior Institute, an educational platform for fitness professionals and gym owners that specialize in behavior modification. Their educational materials provide professionals with a clear system to add an additional service for better client results and increased revenue.
